Sick of not getting on trips because they are full?
Run your own!
Step 1: Develop A Plan
Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? What kind of adventure takes your fancy?
Committee members or more experienced trampers are more than happy to help run your first trip. Contact or find someone to talk to on the current committee tab!
Check out the resources below for some trip ideas if you're looking for inspiration!
If you’re new to trip running anywhere between 10-20km in a day (terrain dependant) is a good amount to cover in one day. The DOC website is always a good place to start when looking for track time estimates.
Example Trip Plans
Take a look through our extensive collection of trip reports (here). Be inspire!
Stories from previous trips
Want to talk to someone? Ask questions? Reach out to our Trips Officer at
Want to talk to someone?
Check out the DOC website, Plan My Walk, Topomapsnz
Extra websites/resources
So you've decided on where you want to go, what you want to do and when.
Now its time to send an email to the club email list!
The mailing list email has the following format: (where XXXX is the year, e.g.
When you send us an email, we will get notified and our safety team will check and approve the email before it gets sent out to everyone.
We now have a trip email generator!
You can still send out an email the regular way or use our simplified and easy to use google form which will create the email for you:
Email format:
Subject line of the email:
Trip name/location AND date
Body of the email:
A description of the trip, including:
Where the trip is going
When the trip starts and finishes
What sort of trip is it (e.g. Day walk in the bush, alpine trip)
An outline of the trip plan
What is expected of participants (i.e. fitness level, experience, specific skills)
An estimate of the cost
A map from NZ Topo to show the route
What gear to bring. You may want to add a link to the appropriate AUTC gear list
A sign up form
Sign up form:
You can either ask interested club members to reply to your email or create a google form.
You will want the following information:
Phone number
Emergency contact name AND phone number
Any medical conditions?
Any dietary requirements?
Do you have a car? If yes, how many people including yourself can you take?
Here’s an example of how to lay out the google form.
2. Invite AUTC members
3. Form a Group
Having a platform to easily communicate over is very important to a trip running smoothly. Find a platform that allow you to send chat invites out and send them to people via email. Messager, signal, Insta are good platforms to use.
You've got your tramping companions all together, here's some topics you may want to coordinate with the group:
Group meals (butter and salt)
Transport (where to meet, who's driving, how to get there)
Mascots ;P
Gear (Email gear officer for help)
Safety (Check out next section)
4. Safety
Fill out the intentions form before you leave and email it to the safety officer at All AUTC trips must fill out intentions. You will also need to fill out intentions to get gear off the club.
More info on intentions forms can be found here
Check before you go
Caring for New Zealand
* Tramping Biosecurity *
Heading into the Wilderness?
Remember to follow leave no trace principles
Check for Kauri dieback track closures and always clean your shoes and gear
5. Afterwards
You've completed your adventure, so what's next?
Please submit a trip report to, along with any additional photos, new recipes, and funny happenings, etc!
Recommend finding someone in your group who might of had the best or most amusing experience. These reports should aim to be entertaining rather than informative, however, write too whatever style you like!
And finally, go on more trips!